Statutory Compliance
Building Services Statutory Compliance Inspections

With Regulatory Compliance and Certification become more important as standards continue to rise we have formulised as culture of inspection and compliance testing allied to our trades and specialist fields.
As a company we hold all the necessary industry standards and accreditations and can provide the following compliance certification
Air Conditioning
- F Gas Refrigeration Compliance
- TM44 Inspections as per the Energy Performance Directive
- Lev Testing Service ( Local Exhaust Ventilation) HSG258 BOHS P601
- Workplace Dust & Fume Extraction
- Fume Cupboard Testing HSG258, BS EN 14175-4:2004
- Fire Damper Testing BS9999 & HMM03-1
- Kitchen Extract Cleaning BS&E TR/19
- Ductwork Hygiene Services BS&E TR/19, HTM 03-01
Heating Services
- Commercial & Domestic GAS SAFE Certification
- Oil heating systems OFTEC
- Landlords checks
- TMV (Thermostatic Mixing Valves) L8 HSG274
- L8 Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems HSG274
- Water Temperature Monitoring
- NICEIC Electrical Compliance testing and certification
- Annual test reports
- PAT testing
- Landlords Certification