Air Conditioning Installation

Split Air Conditioning

Our 41 years’ experience at Riverside has shown us that the best split systems are created by premium brands such as Hitachi and Mitsubishi – in our opinion they offer high quality, cost effective ranges.

These ranges, which benefit from the latest technologies and efficiencies, include the following systems:

  • Wall
  • Cassette
  • In-ceiling
  • Ceiling suspended
  • Floor mounted

The variety of models – and cooling and heating outputs – fits diverse locations, from offices, shops and restaurants, to public and private premises.

Close Control Units

We know all about how critical maintaining a constant temperature can be, especially when it comes to:

  • Data centres
  • Medium and low-density servers Environmental telecom switch stations
  • Medical operating theatres
  • Clean rooms
  • Extreme environments

We have been designing, supplying, manufacturing, installing and maintaining close control units for many years, for many diverse clients, including Tata Steel UK.

Now we’d like to provide your high-precision air conditioning where you need it most.

Our technical support team is waiting for your call.

Extreme Duty Air Conditioning

When you routinely operate in extreme environments you need to know that your air conditioning will withstand the toughest conditions from dirt and dust, to heat and poor ventilation.

Riverside specialises in crane cabs, mill pulpit and electrical room air conditioning that will operate effectively under the most extreme operating conditions.

With 41 years of extreme duty air conditioning experience under our belts, we have the knowledge and expertise that you can rely on. Our extreme grade systems are:

  • Hard working
  • Robust
  • Precision engineered
  • Built for purpose
  • Manufactured for extreme environments
  • Tried and tested
  • Durable and long lasting

Our air conditioners are designed to provide optimal environmental conditions and comfort for both operators and equipment alike.

Talk to our technical team for a free quotation.